Friday, May 23, 2008

which would I rather...

I would rather have a spider crawl into my ear than my mouth. If it crawls into your mouth you could eat it and thats just nasty, if goes into your ear it can't get anywhere and if you're asleep then you don't know.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

which would I rather...

I would rather be in the middle. Well if you're too short than you FEEL small and if you're too big, well than you're just a giant.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

what would I rather lose...

I would rather lose the ability to hear than the ability to see, because it would take too long a time to get used to not being able to see.

Friday, May 9, 2008

if i was any age for the rest of my life...

I would probably want to be in my twenties. You know, finally being an adult and all that, and having all the responsibilities that comes with it.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What kind of charity would I give a thousand dollars...

I would send the money to a charity that helps orphans or foster kids or something like that. I really don't like it when kids get treated unfairly, or unjustly. I would want some kid to get something special so that they wouldn't have a bad christmas or birthday or something.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What I did yesterday in class...

Yesterday I worked on my website, listened to music and had an overall good class. I am not done my website, and I know I can finish it on my own time, all I really need is pictures to put into it, and then its basically done. I'm asking if I can have an extension if I work on it the while we're doing the next website, please.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Time Travel, to the future or the past...

I would probably want to travel to the past. I really dont like the time im in now, and i think that the 40's to the 60's would be just great.

Friday, May 2, 2008

How would I communicate with a friend that doesn't speak the same language as me...

I would try to get whatever I'm trying to say across as best as I can, than I would try to start learning that persons language.